( OEM定制) 保护和控制-继电器/控制器Protection and control -Relay /controller

2022.06.25 22:52 PL 1597 ( OEM定制) 保护和控制-继电器/控制器Protection and control -Relay /controller已关闭评论

( OEM定制) 保护和控制-继电器/控制器Protection and control -Relay /controller
* 输配电系统Transmission and distribution system
* 发电机控制和保护系统Generator Control and Protection Systems
* 电机保护系统Motor Protection System

1;电压平衡继电器(VBR)Voltage Balance Relay
2;过频率继电器(OFR)Over Frequency Relay
3;欠频率继电器(UFR)Under Frequency Relay
4;反向功率继电器(逆功率)Reverse Power Relay(RPR)
5;过电压继电器Over Voltage Relay(OVR)
6;欠电压继电器Under Voltage Relay(UVR)
7;过电压和欠电压继电器Over and Under Voltage Relay(OUVR)
8;直流过电压继电器DC Over Voltage Relay(DOVR)
9;直流欠电压继电器DC Under Voltage Relay(DUVR)
10;直流过电压和欠电压继电器DC Over and Under Voltage Relay(DOUVR)
11;电压和电压平衡继电器Voltage and Voltage Balance Relay(VVBR)
12;相序继电器Phase Sequence Relay(PSR)
13;辅助继电器Auxilary Relay(AR)
14;(高速)跳闸闭锁继电器(High Speed)Trip Lockout Relay(TLR)
15; 自供电继电器Self Powered Relay(SPR)
16;方向(电流)过流和接地故障继电器Directional Over Current and Earth Fault Relay(DOCEFR)
17; (发电机)失压自启动控制器(generator) loss-of-voltage self-starting controller(AMF)
18;AMF引擎(发动机)控制器继电器AMF Engine Controller Relay
19;引擎(发电机)保护器继电器Engine Guard Relay (EGR)
20;(电子式)电机保护继电器Motor Protection Relay(MPR)
21;电池接地故障继电器Battery Earth Fault Relay(BEFR)
22;直流电压继电器DC Voltage Relay(DVR)
23;熔断器故障继电器Fuse Failure Relay(FFR)
24;延时继电器Timer Delay Relay(TDR)
25;变压器差动保护继电器Transformer Differential Protection Relay(TDPR)
26;过流短路和接地故障继电器Over Current Short-circuit and Earth Fault Relay(OCEFR)
27;接地故障电流继电器Earth Fault Current Relay(EFCR)
28;灵敏接地故障电流继电器Sensitive Earth Fault Current Relay(SEFCR)
29;(Digital)Over Current Short-circuit and Earth Fault Relay(数字式)过流短路和接地故障继电器(OCEFR)
30;方向功率继电器Directional Power Relay(DPR)
31;交流电压继电器AC Voltage Relay(AVR)
32;负载平衡继电器Load Balancing Relay(LBR)
33;GSM/GPRS 调制解调器(即插即用plug-n-play)
34;跳闸电路监控Trip Circuit Supervision(TCS)
35;跳闸电路监控继电器Trip Circuit Supervisiory Relay(TCSR)
36;频率继电器Frequency Relay(FR)
37;发电机-市电监测(矢量浪涌继电器)Generator-mains monitor( Vector surge Relay)(VSR)
38;数字过流保护继电器Digital over Current protection Relay(DOCR)
39;带自动重合闸继电器的过电流继电器Over Current relay with auto reclosing relay
40;电源去耦继电器Mains Decoupling Relay(MDR)
41;(变压器)过磁继电器Over Fluxing Relay(For Transformer Protection)(OFR)
42;(发电机失磁)发电机失去励磁保护Field Failure Relay(FFR)-Generator loss field protection
43;多功能发电机转子保护继电器Multifunctional Generator Rotor Protection Relay(GPR)
44;负序继电器Negative Sequence Relay(NSR)
45;继电器测试单元Relay Test Unit(RTU)
46;同步继电器Synchronizing Relay(SR)

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